Cora + Spink Poly Bag

Introducing the Cora + Spink Poly Bag, a revolutionary backpack designed with the utmost attention to detail. After four years of meticulous design, the Poly Bag incorporates the core concepts of Cora + Spink theory, resulting in a backpack that surpasses industry standards.

The exterior of the Poly Bag boasts a large external pocket, strategically placed at the front for easy access. The pocket is secured with a sturdy zipper, ensuring that your belongings are safe and secure. In addition, this backpack features comfortable shoulder straps, as well as two conveniently placed carry handles that can be tucked away when not in use.

However, it is on the inside where the Poly Bag truly shines. The interior is thoughtfully organized into two sections, allowing for easy access and efficient organization of your belongings. You have the option to fully open both sides or use them conventionally. It also includes a dedicated laptop compartment, a document pocket, and a secure zipped pocket, giving you peace of mind knowing that your valuables are protected.

Constructed from laminated waxed cotton canvas on the outside, the Poly Bag is exceptionally durable and rainproof, making it the perfect companion for any weather condition. The interior is trimmed with handwoven recycled cotton, adding a touch of unique craftsmanship to the design. All hardware, including zips and buckles, is made from high-quality metal, ensuring years of reliable use.

Added to site: 28th June 2023. Last updated: 7th July 2023

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