Rains Unisex MSNBAG Mini Backpack, Waterproof

Brand: Rains

The Rains Unisex MSNBAG Mini Backpack is a stylish and functional backpack for everyday use. The backpack is inspired by school satchels and features a minimalist design that is perfect for any occasion. The bag is made with waterproof materials that will keep your belongings safe and dry in any weather condition.

The backpack has a 13L capacity and a main compartment that is perfect for storing all of your essentials. The inside of the bag features a zipped pocket for keeping your smaller items organized and easily accessible. The bag also has adjustable straps that allow you to customize the fit to your body, ensuring that the backpack stays comfortable even during the longest of walks.

The Rains Unisex MSNBAG Mini Backpack is made with 100% polyester for durability and longevity. The bag also features a 100% polyurethane lining for added protection against water damage. The bag is easy to care for and can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Overall, this backpack is a great investment for anyone who wants a functional and stylish bag that can keep up with their active lifestyle.

Added to site: 13th March 2023. Last updated: 19th July 2023

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