Bensimon Romy B79, Denim Recycle Trainers

Brand: Bensimon

The Bensimon Romy B79, Denim Recycle Trainers are a sporty and stylish shoe that are perfect for any casual outing. With a flat heel and lace-up fastening, these trainers provide both comfort and support for any activity.

What sets these trainers apart is the use of recycled materials in their construction. The uppers are made with 60% recycled cotton, 38% polyester, and 2% other fibers, while the lining and cushioning are made from 100% cotton. The sole is constructed of 100% rubber, making these trainers both durable and eco-friendly.

By choosing these trainers, you are not only getting a quality product that is made in Europe, but you are also doing your part in reducing your carbon footprint. This is because products made closer to home have a lower carbon impact due to less transportation. Additionally, by using recycled cotton, you are helping to protect the environment by reducing waste and saving resources.

Overall, the Bensimon Romy B79, Denim Recycle Trainers are a great choice for anyone looking for a stylish and sustainable shoe option. With their combination of recycled materials, European manufacturing, and quality construction, these trainers are a responsible and fashionable choice for any occasion.

Product Details:
– Sports shoe
– Flat heel
– Fastening: lace-up
– Uppers: 60% recycled cotton, 38% polyester, 2% other fibers
– Lining: 100% cotton
– Cushioning: 100% cotton
– Sole: 100% rubber

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 16th June 2023

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