Tommy Jeans Striped Short Hoodie in Cotton Mix

The Tommy Jeans Striped Short Hoodie in Cotton Mix is the perfect piece for any fashion-forward individual who wants to add a touch of color and chicness to their wardrobe. The hoodie comes in a beautiful striped print that makes a statement while still remaining stylish and timeless. It has long sleeves, which makes it perfect for colder days.

This hoodie is an overhead hoodie with an integral hood and crew neck, making it easy to wear over any outfit. The materials are carefully selected to ensure that it is both comfortable and durable. The Tommy Jeans Striped Short Hoodie is made of a blend of 55% cotton and 45% polyester, which makes it flattering, soft, and easy to maintain. It is machine washable and comes with care instructions on the product label.

The Tommy Jeans Striped Short Hoodie in Cotton Mix is versatile, perfect for a casual day out or a night out with friends. It offers a comfortable and stylish option that can be paired with skirts, jeans, or shorts. Its striped print and perfect fit make it an ideal piece and a statement wardrobe essential.

Product Details:
– Long sleeves
– Striped print
– Overhead
– Integral hood
– Crew neck
– 55% cotton, 45% polyester

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 16th June 2023

Price History for Tommy Jeans Striped Short Hoodie in Cotton Mix

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £64.00 26th Apr 2023
Highest * £72.00 6th Mar 2023
Lowest * £64.00 26th Apr 2023
Average £68.00
* Since 6th March 2023

Price is at its lowest, so worth buying now!

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