Dodo Fjords Organic Cotton Nightshirt + Drawstring Pouch

Brand: Dodo

The Dodo Fjords Organic Cotton Nightshirt + Drawstring Pouch is the perfect addition to your nightwear collection. This nightshirt features long sleeves and a crew neck, providing maximum comfort for a good night’s sleep. Adding to its charm, the nightshirt features a print on the chest and at the top of the sleeves. It also comes with a beautiful houndstooth check pouch with a gold drawstring for easy carrying and storage.

What sets this nightshirt apart is its responsible production. The cotton used in the nightshirt is certified organic, meaning it is grown without the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, or GMOs. This results in a product that has minimal impact on biodiversity and the health of agricultural workers. By choosing this nightshirt, you’re not only investing in a quality product but also making a conscious decision to consume responsibly.

The Dodo Fjords Organic Cotton Nightshirt + Drawstring Pouch is made from 100% organic cotton. To keep its quality intact, please refer to the care instructions on the product label. It is essential to keep this product away from fire for safety purposes.

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 26th June 2023

Price History for Dodo Fjords Organic Cotton Nightshirt + Drawstring Pouch

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £22.00 26th Apr 2023
Highest * £32.00 6th Mar 2023
Lowest * £22.00 26th Apr 2023
Average £29.00
* Since 6th March 2023

Price is at its lowest, so worth buying now!

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