Dorina Vega Eco-Moon Classic/Midi Period Shorts

Brand: Dorina

Introducing the Dorina Vega Eco-Moon Classic/Midi Period Shorts, perfect for those heavy flow days. Made with microfibre fabric, these period shorts are designed to be leakproof to give you confidence and comfort throughout the day. You won’t need to worry about any accidents or uncomfortable pads anymore.

With 50ml of heavy flow capacity, these shorts offer maximum protection for even the heaviest of cycles. The Dorina Vega Eco-Moon Classic/Midi Period Shorts have been carefully crafted with a blend of polyamide, polyester, and elastane to ensure they are comfortable to wear and long-lasting. The main fabric is made from 65% polyamide, 22% polyester, and 13% elastane, while the secondary fabric is made up of 56% polyamide, 33% polyester, and 11% elastane.

For your convenience, these period shorts come with care instructions on the product label, so you can keep them in excellent condition for longer. Simply refer to the washing instructions before throwing them in the machine, and you’re good to go.

Experience ultimate protection and comfort during your cycle with the Dorina Vega Eco-Moon Classic/Midi Period Shorts. Made with high-quality microfibre fabric, these period shorts are designed to keep you leak-free and comfortable throughout the day.

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 13th October 2023

Price History for Dorina Vega Eco-Moon Classic/Midi Period Shorts

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £22.40 30th Sep 2023
Highest * £30.00 6th Mar 2023
Lowest * £21.00 24th Aug 2023
Average £25.95
* Since 6th March 2023

Price is below average, so worth buying now!

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