Only Carmakoma Printed Midi Skirt

The Only Carmakoma Printed Midi Skirt is the perfect addition to any wardrobe. Its full and midi-length style flatters all figures and creates a feminine silhouette. The 3/4 length hemline provides the perfect balance between coverage and showing off your legs. This skirt is great for any occasion, from a casual day out to a formal event.

The skirt is printed with a beautiful design, making it an eye-catching piece. Its plus size design ensures that all women can enjoy the benefits of this practical, yet stylish item. It is made from 100% viscose fabric, making it lightweight and comfortable to wear in any temperature. This also means that the skirt drapes nicely, creating a flowy movement that accentuates your figure.

When washing the Only Carmakoma Printed Midi Skirt, it is important to refer to the care instructions on the product label to preserve its quality. This skirt is perfect for those who want to look stylish and feel comfortable all day. With its versatile nature, it is perfect for any casual or formal event.

Added to site: 26th April 2023. Last updated: 13th October 2023

Price History for Only Carmakoma Printed Midi Skirt

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £24.70 30th Sep 2023
Highest * £38.00 26th Apr 2023
Lowest * £24.70 30th Sep 2023
Average £32.93
* Since 26th April 2023

Price is at its lowest, so worth buying now!

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