Pieces Liv Large Leather Bag

Brand: Pieces

The Pieces Liv Large Leather Bag is the perfect combination of elegance and practicality. This large leather bag is perfect for anyone who needs a versatile and spacious bag. The main compartment of the bag is spacious enough to fit all your essentials, like a laptop and books. You can keep your smaller items organised in the two pockets provided inside the bag. To add to its functionality, the bag features both handles and a detachable, adjustable shoulder strap. This means you can carry it as you want, based on your preference.

The bag has a zip fastening which ensures the safety of your belongings while you are on the go. It is made of 100% leather which ensures durability and gives it an elegant look. You can match this bag with different outfits as it never goes out of fashion. The size of the bag is 33 x 27 x 12cm which accommodates all your essentials and gives you the flexibility to carry more than you usually would.

To maintain the leather bag’s quality, it is important to follow the care instructions mentioned on the product label. This bag can make a great addition to your collection as it is perfect for various occasions. It is a great substitute for a backpack or a traveling bag. Invest in the Pieces Liv Large Leather Bag, and experience its versatility, durability, functionality, and elegance.

Added to site: 6th March 2023. Last updated: 23rd August 2023

Price History for Pieces Liv Large Leather Bag

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £140.00 14th Jun 2023
Highest * £140.00 6th Mar 2023
Lowest * £105.00 25th May 2023
Average £126.00
* Since 6th March 2023

Price is at its highest, so may be worth waiting for a sale

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