Samsoe And Samsoe Unisex Lamis Cotton Cap

Introducing the stylish and comfortable Samsoe And Samsoe Unisex Lamis Cotton Cap! Made from 100% cotton canvas, this domed cap features a slightly curved visor and a snug, fitted silhouette. The cap also boasts a trendy color block panel, adding a pop of color to any outfit. A small button on the top of the cap completes the look, making it a versatile accessory that can be dressed up or down.

This cap is perfect for those who want to stay cool and comfortable in the sun while looking fashionable. Whether you’re out running errands on a sunny day or relaxing at the beach, this cap will protect your face from the sun’s harsh rays. Plus, it’s unisex, so anyone can rock this stylish accessory.

The Samsoe And Samsoe Unisex Lamis Cotton Cap is easy to care for, simply refer to the care instructions on the product label. It comes in one size only, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a cap that fits snugly and comfortably. Whether you’re dressing up or dressing down, this cap is sure to become a staple in your accessory collection.

Product details:
– Made from 100% cotton canvas
– Domed cap with a slightly curved visor
– Softly fitted silhouette
– Color block panel
– Small button on top
– One size only
– Care instructions on product label

Added to site: 13th March 2023. Last updated: 13th October 2023

Price History for Samsoe And Samsoe Unisex Lamis Cotton Cap

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £54.60 30th Sep 2023
Highest * £78.00 13th Mar 2023
Lowest * £54.60 30th Sep 2023
Average £63.70
* Since 13th March 2023

Price is at its lowest, so worth buying now!

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