Calvin Klein Recycled Canvas Flat Sandals with Square Toe

Introducing the new Calvin Klein Recycled Canvas Flat Sandals with Square Toe, a perfect way to elevate your summer shoe game while still being environmentally conscious. These sandals are made of 100% recycled cotton, reducing waste and conserving resources without compromising on style.

With a flat heel and a heel height of 1cm/0.5″, these sandals provide both comfort and style for everyday wear. The strap and buckle fastening ensures a secure fit while the open square toe adds a trendy touch.

The lining is made of 100% leather, providing durability and longevity, while the cushioning is made of 100% polyurethane for added comfort. The sole is made of 100% rubber, providing excellent traction, making these sandals perfect for outdoor activities.

In summary, these Calvin Klein Recycled Canvas Flat Sandals with Square Toe are a must-have for anyone who wants to stay fashion-forward while still being mindful of the environment. So, step out in style and comfort while leaving a positive impact on the planet!

Added to site: 26th April 2023. Last updated: 13th October 2023

Price History for Calvin Klein Recycled Canvas Flat Sandals with Square Toe

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £97.50 19th Jul 2023
Highest * £130.00 26th Apr 2023
Lowest * £97.50 19th Jul 2023
Average £111.80
* Since 26th April 2023

Price is at its lowest, so worth buying now!

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