Kaporal Smile Trainers

Brand: Kaporal

The Kaporal Smile Trainers are the perfect shoes for anyone looking for comfort and style. These sports shoes are designed with a flat heel and a lace-up fastening, providing the perfect fit for any activity. The uppers are made entirely of polyurethane, providing durability and flexibility. The lining and cushioning are 100% textile, ensuring a comfortable experience for your feet. Additionally, the sole is made from 100% synthetic materials, making these shoes perfect for outdoor activities and rough terrain.

These trainers are perfect for those looking for a versatile shoe for their active lifestyle. They are available in a variety of colours, allowing you to find the perfect pair to match your style. The design is sleek and modern, making them perfect for a variety of occasions. Whether you’re going for a run or just out for a casual day, these trainers are the perfect choice.

In summary, the Kaporal Smile Trainers are a must-have for anyone seeking style, comfort, and durability in their footwear. They are perfect for a variety of activities and occasions and are sure to provide the perfect fit no matter what.

Added to site: 17th March 2023. Last updated: 13th October 2023

Price History for Kaporal Smile Trainers

We regularly check prices so you can see if it's a good time to buy, or better to wait for a price drop or sale.

Price Date
Current £51.00 30th Sep 2023
Highest * £60.00 17th Mar 2023
Lowest * £48.00 15th Sep 2023
Average £52.64
* Since 17th March 2023

Price is below average, so worth buying now!

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